We are the World! We are the Children!
These memorable lyrics emerged from musicians in response to
the Great Famine of Ethiopia in the early 1980s. Then came Live Aid, and with it the infamy of
Bob Geldorf and the notoriety of Bono.
The message was that people do care...
These two fellows carried the torch for a long way. By the time of the Gleneagles summit,
forgiving Third World Debt had become a rallying cry. Some significant gains were made by that
Jubilee summit, and pledges that aid to Africa would double by 2010.
We have spent much of the time since trying to tap resources
mainly for HIV/AIDS projects, and we see no evidence of such a scaling up. So it was a catharsis to hear Geldorf
spouting off, after the recent G8 meetings in Germany. “A farce,” he called it, “just a big
farce.” I second the emotion.
The rhetoric of assuring access to ARVs for all those who
are infected by the HIV virus world-wide was a step in the right direction, but
promises, promises ad nauseum...
It was encouraging to read recently in the letter to the
Hebrews, that we should “consider how to stimulate one another to love and good
deeds.” (chapter 10, verse 24) This is mentioned between two other
injunctions – one to “hold fast” (v 23) and another to attend worship regularly
(v 25).
There is a connection among these three points. For it is holding fast to our human values
and Christian convictions that anchors us.
Awareness of the need to intervene arises from a clash between our
cherished ideals and existing realities.
That is what stimulates good deeds.
But this can overwhelm you – so you need to connect with God regularly
and there is no substitute for the assembly when you want to draw near to Him.
Leadership comes into it when that clash between values and
unacceptable realities gets people stimulated.
Intervention usually starts, of one form or another, as people make a
start. Henry David Thoreau said: “You see things as they are, and you ask,
Why?” I see things that never were, and
I ask, Why not?” This is called
envisioning. Leaders are sometimes
called visionaries.
What He closes, no one can open
Why have the results of our envisioning been so
Maybe “the Ask” is uncool?
Constant badgering to contribute to ministries of love and good
deeds has not harmed Bono's reputation.
Or Geldorf. Or Gates...
Maybe it's an excuse?
Are the target group really getting help? Or is too much going to the middle men, and
Maybe it's perceived as self serving?
Volunteers give a lot without monetary return. South Africa has recently introduced a
minimum stipend for volunteers, to avoid exploitation. This reflects how many are needed, and is a
reminder of a legacy that may be forgiven but is not forgotten.
Maybe it's too much about money and not enough about God?
We have always tried to root and express communiques in a
God-fearing way. Last year's Childermas
appeal was one of my favorites – blending leadership, children and church
history in a unique way.
Maybe it's not our problem?
Whether you take a humanitarian set of core values or faith,
any coherent set of convictions is going to make you realize that it is more
blessed to give than to receive. The
shift in the North, from a culture of consumption to a culture of contentment,
is going slowly.
What he opens, no one can close
On a personal note, we have found it way more encouraging to
deal with individuals, families and churches, than to deal with foundations or
institutions. Especially if they are
governmental. The politically correct
approach these days is called sector-wide approaches (SWAps). It means that all actors in any given sector
should pool the resources, and then allocate them in a sensible way. But this just concentrates resources at the
centre. Well resourced agencies end up
getting most of the new resources, proportionally. Smaller groups get sidelined. It locks up into a new caste system.
Worse yet, you have what the media in South Africa calls
“race quotas”. Headline news last week
in South Africa noted the effect of BEE (Black Economic Empowerment) policies
on public hospitals. They can't staff up
because white nationals with impeccable credentials are not hired lest the
required racial balances are offended.
So people needing surgery, for example, wait in long queues or go to
India where they can get health care rapidly.
The combined effect of these two factors, together with the
proliferation of “grantseekers” has hit C4L hard. For example, none of the 3 psycho-social
support camps scheduled for next week have been funded by a donor. One was supposed to have been, but the pledge
has been caught up in the public service strike this month. So we are only able to run two of the three
camps programmed, and these are fully funded by individuals, families and
churches. Most of these are in Canada,
but not all. A team of volunteers is
arriving today from Canada as well. This
is the “vanguard” in terms of resourcing C4L's capacity building. We are being buoyed up by this response to
our “stimulating people to love and good deeds”.
We are thankful to the families and churches that have expressed their
love by contributing to these camps.
Hillside Baptist in Vancouver, Christchurch in Campbellford and St
George's in White River deserve special mention. We are glad to see some young people getting
off Easy Street, and coming all this way to assist with psycho-social support for orphans and
vulnerable children.
We recently watched a video series about the Apollo mission
to land men on the moon. It was launched
by John Kennedy in a speech where he said: “We choose to go to the moon in this
decade, and other things... not because they are easy, but because they are
hard.” C4L's task is not easy,
either. From planning to fundraising to
service delivery, it is difficult and uncharted. But the results have put so many people “over
the moon” that we are holding fast.
I drafted this letter on the eve of winter solstice. It is bleak midwinter here... frosty wind
made moan. On the shortest day of
the year, yesterday, the tectonic plates shifted. First the HIV/AIDS desk officer of our
provincial government called to report that her HOD had just signed an approval
for funding our OVC project, for a year.
Within a couple of hours, an email arrived from Kellogg Foundation to
announce the approval of multi-year funding for our core business – leadership
and management development. C4L will be
going on-line with this over the next two years, at long last, and this was the
green light to move ahead with our own Apollo mission.
The fact that these both arrived within hours, the very same
afternoon, is not insignificant, because both the core business of C4L and the
OVC project get strong endorsements from these decisions.
“Choose to go to the moon, and other things, not because
they are easy, but because they are hard.”
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